We hear you! Share your stories

This session will be an opportunity to share your own stories of community-led change. We want to make visible what you are experiencing in your communities. What have you seen in your local area or region? What is the situation your project or group finds itself in? What have you observed about your surroundings?

We will be facilitating a process in which you can audio-record and/or type one or more short stories of change and then explore the factors that you think contributed to this change. This will help you clarify what may be a complex set of factors influencing your work.

Additionally, we will be taking these stories and reflecting them back to you and the movement through our communications work. This will show the vibrancy, strength and impact of this amazing international movement to potential partners and funders, while also learning from each other ways in which we can catalyse change in the world.

This Sensemaker session will be facilitated by Deborah Benham, the co-Lead Link of Transition Network, with the support of Elizabeta Z Jovanovska.

The session will be held in English. The Sensemaker can support more other languages.
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We are sorry but ticket sales for this event have now ended. Keep you eyes open for future events by signing up on https://practise.transitionmovement.org

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